LMC Mid-Toronto

LMC Mid-Toronto


Physician Assistant
Priya Narula BSc, CCPA


Diabetes Educators – Registered Nurses
Ashleigh Walker BMSc, BN, RN


Diabetes Educators – Registered Dietitians
Chee-Mei, Chan RD, CDE
Carmen Lovsin RD, CDE
Ashley Spegal RD, CDE


Clinical Research Coordinators
Lestat Feliciano BSc, MLT, MA, CCRC
Saeideh Mayanloo BSc
Teena Kailasanathan BSc, MSc
Jana Nathan BSc (Hons)
Nichole McKay, MSc
Jessica Russell


LMC Mid-Toronto

1929 Bayview Ave
Suite 107
Toronto, ON M4G 3E8
Bayview Ave. & Eglinton Ave.

Local Phone 416.645.2929
Toll Free Phone 1.866.701.3636 (ENDO)
Fax 1.877.562.2778 (APPT)
[email protected]




We are located on the first floor of the CNIB Building, Canadian National Institute for the Blind Building, We are on the north east corner of Bayview and Kilgour Road.
The CNIB building is just south of Sunnybrook Hospital at the second set of lights north of Eglinton Avenue.
The parking at the front of the building has a four hour maximum and is designed for parkers who visit the centre for a short period of time. The rental rates for the parking are $1.00 / first hour, $2.00 / two hours, To a maximum daily rate of $7.00. The parking lot can be accessed from Kilgour Avenue.


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